Application Process:
Potential surveys require the sponsorship of an AAS member. There is a a non-refundable $100.00 application review fee (charged below with the application). Incomplete submissions will be returned minus the application fee. The survey must be submitted for approval to the President who will forward it to the Chair of the respective AAS committee (i.e., Education Committee for education research). Approval or denial will be rendered within 10 business days. If approved, a $2,500.00 survey fee must be paid to the AAS prior to initiating the survey. Upon final approval and payment, the AAS will send an email notification to participating members (original, plus two follow ups) or post the survey on the AAS website ( No more than 4 surveys per year (one per quarter) will be approved.
Review Process:
The AAS recognizes the value of well-designed survey research and seeks to ensure that questionnaire research is well-designed so as to contribute meaningfully to the AAS constituents and the academic surgery community. The results of the review will be provided to the applicant within 10 business days of submission of the application and will consist of a notice of approval or rejection and a brief critique that addresses the proposal’s significance to the AAS and feasibility.
Guidelines for surveys:
The hypothesis to be tested by the survey should be original, clearly stated, and of significant importance to the field. Questionnaires should have evidence for their validity, if possible, to answer the proposed research question. Statistical support, rationale, methods, and sample size calculation are required. Surveys should be as concise as possible. Proposals must include a time estimate to complete the survey, and this should also be included in the request for participation of the AAS member in order to improve response and completion rates. Advice from an experienced survey researcher is recommended. The questionnaire must be submitted with the application for review.
The investigator is responsible for awareness of and compliance with the Human Subject Research Requirements of their institution. IRB approval or a letter of exemption from the IRB is required to apply. AAS review of survey applications does not substitute for or constitute IRB approval. Please be sure you sign the statement that you have IRB approval from your institution in the Survey Application. AAS review and permission to distribute surveys to members should not be construed as equivalent to peer review, endorsement, or sponsorship of the survey by AAS. No statements implying peer review, endorsement or sponsorship should be made or implied in future publications of survey results. The length of the survey should be limited to 50 or fewer questions.
Survey Results:
A written report of the survey results and/or study status is required to be submitted to the appropriate committee and to the Executive Council within 12 months of distribution of the survey.