Each year, one Council member is elected for a two-year term for each year-of-entry group. This year’s elections consist of 2010, 2012, 2014, 2016, 2018 & 2020 year-of-entry groups, as well as the Resident/Fellow Councilor position.
Please vote for one candidate below by Monday, August 30, 2021 at 11:59pm PST so that we may complete this important election and notify you of your elected representative. Please use your Council member to convey your ideas and concerns to the Executive Council.
Name: Pam Choi
Institution: Naval Medical Center San Diego
Statement of Interest: The AAS has always held a special place in my heart. As a 1st year lab resident, I had been ready to give up on research and career in academic surgery after some frustrating outcomes. The ASC was the first meeting I presented in, but I was overcome with the positive and welcoming atmosphere of the meeting, and the excitement of others for not just my work but for research and academia was infectious. I took the energy from that meeting and used it to propel a productive research and subsequent pediatric surgery fellowship. The AAS has always been an important organization to me, and I hope to continue its tradition of encouraging and promoting young surgeons.
Name: Lane Frasier
Institution: University of Cincinnati
Statement of Interest: The AAS has been instrumental in my development as a surgeon scientist: I have received funding through the AAS Research Fellowship Award, participated in the AAS Fall Research Courses as well as the ASC Investigators’ Course. The Academic Surgical Congress has been a key platform for sharing my research and meeting other academic surgeons. I believe strongly in the Association’s core values and dedication to the development of the next generation of academic surgeons and would like to contribute by being a member of the Executive Council. Thank you for your consideration of my candidacy.
Name: Andrew Ibrahim
Institution: University of Michigan
Statement of Interest: Since I joined the Association for Academic Surgery as a medical student a decade ago, it has been at the core of my academic surgery development. It was the first meeting I ever attended, the first place I was able to present research and the only way I could have met the people who would eventually become pivotal mentors in my career. Now that I am a faculty member and leading a research team, I am eager to join AAS leadership and give back to help others benefit the same way I did.