Each year, one Council member is elected for a two-year term for each year-of-entry group. This year’s elections consist of 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, 2019 and 2021 year-of-entry groups. Please vote for one candidate below by Monday, August 15, 2022 at 11:59pm PST so that we may complete this important election and notify you of your elected representative. Please use your Council member to convey your ideas and concerns to the Executive Council.
Name – Shipra Arya
Institution – Stanford University
Statement of Interest – I have been deeply involved in AAS activities for the last decade in various roles. I have served on the outcomes committee, the program committee (two terms) and part of the AAS delegation to Australia (2022). I also served as co-chair of the leadership committee (2018-2020) and contributed to the AAS strategic plan on the executive council. I am proud of my service to the AAS to inspire and develop young academic surgeons. I would be honored to continue that service as a councilor for the class of 2013 and represent our voice in shaping the AAS future priorities.
Name – Stephanie Bonne
Institution – Hackensack University Medical Center
Statement of Interest – I have been involved in AAS since 2015 when I became a member. During that time, I’ve served on 2 committees and have been asked to speak numerous times at the fall courses. I attend the conference annually and encourage my students and residents to participate and submit their science.
The AAS is the premier academic venue for a broad base of health services and basic science research. The recent highlighting of diversity and equity issues in surgery is well aligned with my past service on The Association of Women Surgeons Council and the Diversity and Equity Committees for the Surgical Infection Society and The Committee on Trauma. I believe I could bring the equity lens and experience in this space to the AAS council position.
Additionally, I have experience in trauma, quality programs, and in nontraditional research pathways. I primarily study public health and prevention, and am very involved in research on firearm injury epidemiology and firearm injury prevention. I would love to bring ideas about programs that support surgeons who have nontraditional research interests to bring their diverse and creative ideas to the forefront of surgical research and education. I remain deeply committed to AAS and it would be an absolute honor to serve in this capacity.
Name – Ryan Thomas
Institution – University of Florida
Statement of Interest – It would be my honor to serve as the AAS Councilor for the class of 2013. I completed my surgical oncology fellowship at the MD Anderson Cancer Center at that time and have been faculty at the University of Florida and its associated VA ever since. I became involved in the AAS as a resident at the University of Cincinnati but as a faculty member, I have sat on multiple AAS committees, reviewed abstracts and grants for the annual ASC meeting, and co-chaired and chaired the Membership committee where I helped to implement the monthly member spotlight that we all see. As the Class of 2013 Councilor, I will ensure that the opinions and ideas of the class of 2013 are brought to the Executive Council and that our class is well-represented as we enter mid-career status (sounds weird, right?). I would very much appreciate your vote