Each year, one Council member is elected for a two-year term for each year-of-entry group. This year’s elections consist of 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017, and 2019 year-of-entry groups, as well as the Resident/Fellow Councilor position.
Please vote for one candidate below by October 30, 2020 at 11:59pm PST so that we may complete this important election and notify you of your elected representative. Please use your Council member to convey your ideas and concerns to the Executive Council.
Class Year: 2009
Name: Juan Poggio
Institution: Temple University
Statement of Interest:
To whom it corresponds;
I have been part of the AAS for many years and I have been involved with different committees which I was grateful to be part of and collaborate. I have also participated in meetings and research presentations and review of papers too.
I would be honored to be considered for this position as an AAS Councilor and I believe I have the necessary qualifications for this position and to be able to collaborate in this role with my experience with all the responsibilities that this position entitles.
Please, contact me if any questions. Thank you. Dr. Poggio
Juan Lucas Poggio, MD, MS, FACS, FASCRS (he/his) Professor of Surgery Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University Colon and Rectal Surgery, Temple University Hospital and Jeanes Hospital
Class Year: 2009
Name: Emily Winslow
Institution: Medstar Georgetown University Hospital
Statement of Interest:
My interest in serving the Association for Academic Surgeons as a Councilor is multifactorial. First and foremost, I have found significant value in the mentorship I have received from AAS leaders, and would very much like to be able to give that back to younger members of the society. Helping to inculcate in a younger generation of surgical leaders, the same passion for academic surgery in all its forms that I have experienced over the years at annual meetings would be a true privilege. Secondly, in my recent relocation and leadership position, I am struck by the continued practical need for academic surgeons to maintain tight collegial bonds. These relationships with colleagues in a wide variety of environments have been crucial to many successful academic and clinical endeavors, and perhaps now more than ever before, this interconnectedness is a very valuable commodity that the AAS has to offer members and leaders at all levels. In sum, I would be honored to help continue to cultivate these and other values and tenets of academic surgery that the AAS represents by serving the society as Councilor.
Class Year: 2009
Name: Russell Woo
Institution: University of Hawaii, John A. Burns School of Medicine
Statement of Interest:
It would be my privilege to represent the first faculty position class of 2009 as an AAS Councilor for the 2012 to 2023 term or service. To me, the AAS has always been an inclusive organization that fosters the development of academic surgeons committed to patient care, scholarship, and collaboration. If elected, I hope to serve with energy and dedication as I assist the executive council in advancing the mission and goals of the organization. I thank you for your consideration.